Art by Ivana Axman

Have you been too absorbed in your work and everyday routines that you have forgotten to appreciate the miracles of life? The Priestess of Gratitude can help you to step outside of your problems and look around, listen, feel…
Perhaps it’s time to enjoy life and the vastness of creation around you. Imagine if you were new to this planet – wouldn’t you marvel at the beauty behind all the various life forms?

The Priestess of Gratitude knows that a grateful heart attracts more situations, people and things to be grateful for. That is why she can help you to try to feel grateful for what you have.

You may be going through a hard time when everything seems dark and futile, but there must be at least something to feel grateful for at this moment. Try to make the magic happen – the feeling of gratitude truly has the power to heal one’s heart. 

Work with all the rainbow colours during this time, and with symbols such as spirals, circles and curvy shapes.

The deities who will be of great support to you now are the god Ganesh, the goddesses Guan Yin and Aine, archangel Michael, or ascended masters Saint Francis, Jesus or Buddha.


During this ritual, you don’t need anything really, just an open mind and heart, a peaceful, quiet place and ideally some fresh air. Going to a garden, park, forest, meadow or the coast will help you cleanse your mind of worries and will help you see the beauty all around you.

Firstly, look around and try to find something you like or appreciate. Then, look within and seek what you appreciate about yourself.

Take a good look at your life and ponder on all the things you feel grateful for or happy about. Anything will do, but the more things you come up with the better. Finally, utter either in your mind or aloud:

“I, (your name), am opening my heart and mind to gratitude and appreciation of my existence on this beautiful planet. Please, (the name of the deity or deities you want to work with), help me remain open to gratitude and joy, so that I can attract beneficial situations and people on my journey through life.
Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for your help and guidance.”

Try saying this affirmation as often as possible. If you feel that your heart is expanding with bliss and your mind is clearing up, then you have made the magic of gratitude work!